rate hikes are strengthening the dollar in global currency markets. Conversely, U.S. holders of EEMor any other non-currency-hedged international fundwould see their returns dented http://www.brecorder.com/business-a-finance/banking-a-finance/197807-brazil-central-bank-cuts-2014-gdp-view-signals-rate-stability.html as the greenback gained value against any other currency. With Europe on the verge of deflation, Japan focused on weakening its yen, and much of the emerging markets dreaming about powerful new growth, it would appear that the U.S. http://www.etf.com/sections/daily-etf-watch/23366-daily-etf-watch-eem-20currency-hedged-.html
Trading ETFs: Major Stock Market Selloff Looms As The Fed's QE3 Ends | Seeking Alpha
With so many exciting shifts occurring, its no surprise that this years presenters had a lot of great information to share throughout the three-day event. Here are five soundbites from the conferences speakers. If cash has paid you nothing, get invested in something. Dr. David Kelly, CFA, chief global strategist and head of global market insights team for JP Morgan Funds Kelly spoke at length about the current market environment, likening the latest numbers to an Irish summerdamp and disappointing. However, he emphasized that profits can still grow in the environment and investors need to get back into the markets. He dispelled concerns that the easy money has been made, noting there has never been easy money. Kellys recommendation to see the best portfolio results right now: underweight fixed income, overweight US equities. You have to look at total return; you cant just look at yield. Jerome Schneider, managing director at PIMCO Schneider discussed the criteria he considers most important when selecting an active manager, and emphasized that in order to understand the value-add of an active manager, you need to look at every aspect of the managers strategy, particularly return. Effective risk management is both offensive and defensive, he said, and taking the top down approach recommended by PIMCO helps in selecting the best manager and mitigating risk for the investor. Comparison is the death of happiness. Chris Goolgasian, CFA, CPA, CAIA, head of portfolio management for North and South America at State Street Global Advisors Loosely quoting literary great Mark Twain, Goolgasian sums up the current investor environment, making the point that investors are always looking for the next best thing, and they consistently think there is something out there they dont know about. He stressed that the optimistic unknown doesnt actually exist. http://www.financialservicesmarketing.com/etfs-mutual-funds/5-soundbites-from-the-experts-at-the-2014-morningstar-etf-conference/
Daily ETF Watch: EEM 2.0—Currency Hedged | ETF.com
(SEE MY TIME-STAMPED TRADES IN THE FOLLOWING LINK MarketWatch Virtual Stock Exchange Game ) THIS MODEL PORTFOLIO allows readers to track my performance. This blog makes no recommendations. At no time will a reader be justified in inferring that this blog is making a recommendation. Trading derivatives, financial instruments and precious metals involves significant risks. This blog's performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. I've been passionate about the stock market since the mid-seventies. Hopefully Trading EFTs will give readers http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/investing/11114167/Why-Ive-put-10pc-of-my-savings-into-Zopa.html an insight into the mechanics of trading. Twitter address: "MorinRon" Disclosure: I own and/or trade TZA, TMV, FAZ, EDC, ERY, DRV, TECS, TVIX, YINN, INDL and DSLV, or ETFs like these. http://theetftrade.blogspot.com/2014/09/major-stock-market-selloff-looms-as-fed.html?spref=tw